European Voluntary Service

This is Pekarna's blog for EVS volunteers. Pekarna is a sending and hosting/receiving organisation for EVS volunteers and their volunteers (send and hosted ones) will keep you up to date about their work.

Evropska prostovoljska služba

Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor te vabi, da se tudi ti pridružiš množici prostovljcev/-k Evropske prostovoljne službe (EVS) in odpotuješ v organizacijo po svoji izbiri v drugo državo EU. Smo pošiljajoča in gostiteljska organizacija EVS, ki mladim od 17. in do 30. leta za obdobje največ enega leta uredi vse podrobnosti za brezskrbno in povsem brezplačno delovanje v tujini.
Evropska prostovoljna služba je del programa ERASMUS + Mladi v akciji.

Za bolj podrobne informacije nas lahko kontaktiraš na:

Friday 9 October 2009

+386 (0)30 334 966

This is my new phone number. I am opened to various kinds of contact and communication. (Ignoration is also one way how to communicate. hehe)

Yesterday, I spent whole morning by cleaning the kitchen. On a first sight, it didn't look so bad but on the second look - it was filthy as hell. And I was surprised by myself. Usually, I don't care much about cleaning the place so much. Maybe I am getting.. older?

Or like Lester Burnham said "It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself."

Oh - and if you will call me, probably the first thing you will hear from me will be something like "moja slovenščina je slaba, govorte pomalu". But maybe there will be another surprise.


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