European Voluntary Service

This is Pekarna's blog for EVS volunteers. Pekarna is a sending and hosting/receiving organisation for EVS volunteers and their volunteers (send and hosted ones) will keep you up to date about their work.

Evropska prostovoljska služba

Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor te vabi, da se tudi ti pridružiš množici prostovljcev/-k Evropske prostovoljne službe (EVS) in odpotuješ v organizacijo po svoji izbiri v drugo državo EU. Smo pošiljajoča in gostiteljska organizacija EVS, ki mladim od 17. in do 30. leta za obdobje največ enega leta uredi vse podrobnosti za brezskrbno in povsem brezplačno delovanje v tujini.
Evropska prostovoljna služba je del programa ERASMUS + Mladi v akciji.

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Thursday 16 April 2009

Belgium presentation 2

From the 14th till the 15th of April I was in Črna na Koroškem to give a presentation about Belgium in Center za Usposbljanje, Delo in Varstvo (center for training, work and care), which is a home for people with a disability.

The home has about 250 guests and has diffenent locations. I went to visit a few of them. There was the main house, the house for the kids, the houses for the adults who are living together on their own and the mountain hut. They really took me on a tour to show me all of the work they are doing.

It would have been interesting for one of my school assignments last year. It really showed how the organisation was working and that it has results. It basically goes like this: new arrivals spend their time in the main house where they get lessons and trainings in all kind of fields. They have music, singing, music, cooking classes and much more. All to prepare them to move them to one of the other locations where they have to take care of their own meals and house together with the people they are living with.

The center has a mountain hut with a view of the Topla valley. It's an amazing location, when you are there it's really like you are alone on the world. Every year a group goes there for a week, they take walks, cook for themselves, and in general just have a great time.

This picture is one of the views from the mountain hut. I only had my mobile phone on me, so there is a bit too much light, but I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

They also took me to a lake full of frogs, some fish and I even saw 2 turtles. It's a very commercial lake, where people go swimming in the summer. I just hope that dispite that the reptiles and fishes and every other life out there won't disappear over time.

One of the things I really wanted to see in Slovenia was a horse from Lipica. Guess what? Yes yes I got the chance to do this. During my tour, it was mentioned that CUDV got 2 horses from the Lipica farm and that we were very close to them. I told them that we should go and they agreed if we had enough time left. And we sure did. The horses are old, about 20 years, they still needed to be brushed and cleaned, but I didn't care at all. I didn't go as far as touching them, my reason is that they are too holy just yet :p.

After the tour and the drive there it was already evening. One of the guests gave up his room for me, so I had a room and a bed waiting for me to kick back, relax and sleep. At 6 in the morning I woke up because there was already a lot of activity in the hall way. It was a little bit too early for my taste, so I tried to stay in bed as long as I could, but I didn't sleep any more. At 8 it was time for my presentation. After the presentation we went to the kitchen and made some waffles. Around 12.30 I returend back to Maribor.

It was very nice to visit another beautiful region in Slovenia and I'm sure it will be a visit I won't forget any time soon.

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