25. marec 2010, 1.24 in the night
I am tired. But it was a great day. Full.
In the morning, we went to Tehniška šola to repair bikes within Maribajk project. Paul, Ieva, Kaja and me. And Indijanez truck. It was cool mini-trip. I couldn't start the car because the battery was fucked. But finally, it was working. We made nice interaction with some of students of that school during repairing bikes. Then, we wanted to go back but the car didn't start again. So, we had to push it a bit. Eventually, one of the students managed to make the truck running and roaring. Euphoria. He was the hero of the day. I hope he felt the same. It was funny. We were laughing in the sun.
Then, there was a workshop/conference in Gustaf within Den spremembe. I was hanging around, eating bananas, helping, documentating the event and zillion other little things.
And then then, the preparation of concert of Sopot (dub band) started. I did the lights. We had quite much time for preparation. I tried my best. In the beginning of the concert, I was not truly satisfied with my light operating but it was getting better gradually. In the end, I was really enjoying the music, lights, dub.
Now, I am very tired. It was a long day.
And I still listen to the same music. Long time, I haven't heard something that would really struck me. I have wAgAwAgA (some dubstep) but it's not as good as I expected.
Yo and today I was thinking about overdosing by coffee. That could be interesting.
..sometimes, I like to wash the dishes just to make somebody feel bad. Such a bastard I am. So what. It's fun. And I am usefull at least. Washing the dishes is relax, as well. Ah, and I wrote this text. It's an invitation for/exploration of interest in the cycles of photo workshots we are going to start soon. If you are interested (and interesting), write me to dusan@pekarna.org
So here is the text:
Hello, this is Dusan from Pekarna // Zdravo, Dušan iz Pekarne tukaj
I am writing not only to you to ask something // Ne pišem samo tebi, da ti hočem nekaj vprašat
Do you know someone who would be or are you - interested (and interesting:) in photographing? Doing it, talking about it and sharing our experience. Together // Skupaj. Fotkat.
"Yes" is the greatest answer. Because we (dusan & daniela) are preparing the cycle of photo workshots. One session every week. It will be done in our special (lame) way which means lot of improvisation, lot of fun (hhahaha) and hopefully improvement of our photo skills and abilities. // "Da" je najboljšji odgovor. Ker midva (dušan & daniela) pripravljava ciklus foto workshotev. Ena session vsak teden. To bomo delali v našem specialnem (grdem) načinu - tako veliko improvizacije, veliko zabave (hehehhe) in upamo da napredek v naših slikarskih skilleh (sposobnostih).
We haven't decided about the date of the beginning and which day and hour of a week we will meet, yet. That's also why we communicate with potential participants in advance. When would it suit to other people. We are flexible. And if you have any idea about the name of this "thing", bring it on. We want to have a cool name. Nothing stupid like "hočemo fotkat boljšje". // Nismo se še zmenili o datumu začetka in kateri dan in uro tedna se bomo srečali. Ampak to je tudi razlog za kaj komuniciramo s potencialnimi udeleženci. Smo flexibilni, hočemo vedet kdaj je to okej za druge.. Tudi - če mate idejo za boljše ime te stvari, napišite nam. Želimo imeti nekakšno kul ime. Ne sranje ko "hočemo fotkat boljše".
keywords: experiment, "no limit", "everything is possible", "no budget", "nared si sam/a", fotkič, luč, sharing
Hvala za obisk // Thanks for your time and spread the word
dušan & daniela