For those of you who are going to read this here is some background information.
In October 2007 Julien (France) and me (Belgium) started our EVS-projects at Pekarna. This month they asked us to start a blog, so that people can see that we are actually alive and kicking or at least something like that. What happened in the past, happened in the past, so unless you ask us about it we will not go back in time to tell you what we have been doing. However, because we recently had something official going on, I will go back one week in time to tell you about our midtermtraining.
Last week Julien and I had our midtermtraining in Korte, Izola. Yup you got that right, thanks to Nina (she organises the trainings) we had the opportunity to see the seaside of Slovenia. We stayed in a youth hostel ( We took a trip to Piran, had a walk around town with a guide. Well, to be honest I didn't pay much attention to the guide. I took in the sights and everything else, but I tuned him out. After our stroll through the city we went for a coffee and afterwards we ate lunch in a fish restaurant. The food looked and tasted great imo.
Of course midtermtrainings are not just a vacation for the EVS volunteers, we are there to actually learn something. We talked about our experiences so far, what we wanted out of our EVS, about the youthpass ( good tool to make ur future employers know what ur competences are). And maybe one of the most important things we have learned is that you have to take the time to say to urself: ,,Well done!". Of course u actually have to accomplish something, reach ur own goal, before u can actually congratuate urself.
In this picure u can see all the EVS people who were on the midtermtraining and Jasna, one of the trainers. Nina is taking the pic.
This week we (mentors and evsers) planned our work for the coming months and I will be the curator of an exhibition that Pekarna will host in their exhibition room, Hladilnica (damn I hoped I spelled that right). I am looking forward to that, because around the same time of the exhibition my parents will be here to see what I have been up to and of course to discover Slovenia. But to keep the suspense I will write more about it next time :p.
One last thing before I sign out. I will try to write something here every week and hopefully I can entertain you with it. If you have any questions about EVS, feel free to contact me or write to
Lepo se imej
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