European Voluntary Service

This is Pekarna's blog for EVS volunteers. Pekarna is a sending and hosting/receiving organisation for EVS volunteers and their volunteers (send and hosted ones) will keep you up to date about their work.

Evropska prostovoljska služba

Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor te vabi, da se tudi ti pridružiš množici prostovljcev/-k Evropske prostovoljne službe (EVS) in odpotuješ v organizacijo po svoji izbiri v drugo državo EU. Smo pošiljajoča in gostiteljska organizacija EVS, ki mladim od 17. in do 30. leta za obdobje največ enega leta uredi vse podrobnosti za brezskrbno in povsem brezplačno delovanje v tujini.
Evropska prostovoljna služba je del programa ERASMUS + Mladi v akciji.

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Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Blog of December

Dear readers,

we started the month of December with a workshop for children with disabilities. We put into practise the different types of activities we learned during last month's training. It was also a pleasure to work with the two Slovenian volunteers and to work with the complicity of Filip and Lucas. The workshops were diverse, we tried to make an adapted program so that the children don't get bored. There was a presentation time, a time of physical activity and a time of discussion where the children could talk about their desire for the next time.

The 3th of December was a really great moment for me, because it’s was my 30th birthday and like each changing decade, it’s always little bit complex. But my coworkers were really awesome and made the surprise to come at midnight in my place for make a little party. It's was really really kind and this event really boost me because I was a little bit confused since my computer broke. During the day, we have a great training with an LGBTQI+ organisation from Ljubljana about Hate Speech. I learned a lot about Hate Speech and it was a great moment to discover my team in another aspect of work. The same evening I went out for a drinks to enjoy my old age. :)

December 5th was the concretization of the event we created for the International AIDS Day. The evening started with the lecture held by Simon Kovačič, from association Drogart. This association proposes different types of action around the sensitization related to drugs and various sexual practices. Simon is more specialized in prevention around sexually transmitted diseases, especially for gays. We talked about different types of topics related to World aids day. It was a very enriching moment as the presentation was punctuated by questions and comments and I think that many people learned, including myself, new things about AIDS and new risky practices. The second part of the evening was the screening of the film 120 beats by minutes, it was a pleasure to see this film again, even if each time it is a bit like an emotional punch. After the screening, there was a time of exchange and I found it very moving that one of the participants spoke openly about his HIV status and the evolution of the disease since the 80s. After this beautiful evening, my French friends surprised me by coming to visit me in Ljubljana for my birthday and I enjoyed the pretty Slovenian capital all weekend. It was a very special moment and I was really happy to introduce the friends I made here to my French friends.

The week of December 9 was a very rewarding week for me. I worked in a team with several participants of the Sedmi Glas program that I had already mentioned the previous months around the retrospective exhibition of the project. We worked all week on the exhibition, including a rather time-consuming part which was to paint a poem on a wall. This project was really important for me because it made me realised that I really flourish in this kind of collaborative project. It was also a pleasure to show some photographs for this exhibition. During this week, we also worked with the Slovenian volunteers on the next workshop with children with disabilities. We imagined a workshop around the decoration of a cardboard Christmas tree. We took two hours to make a Christmas tree out of cardboard and it was an excellent moment of complicity with the volunteers. Friday was the opening of the exhibition Sedmi Glas. It was a great time to see the work accomplished and to finally relax with the participants. We celebrated in a bar with friends and we also had snow as a gift. :) It was an opportunity for me to make a snowperson, which hasn't happened to me in years (thanks climate change.)

The last week before the holidays was also busy. We did our Christmas tree decoration workshop with children with disabilities and it was a very warm moment. On Tuesday the 17th there is a conference about Sedmi Glas with different kind of discussions and lectures. I really enjoy to discover No Border Craft, a women collectif of refugee create some object with wool in Ljubljana. In the evening, we watched the film "Quand on as 17 ans" for FILMOPEKA, it was a pleasure to see many people who came for 120 beats per minute came back for the event. On Wednesday, I took part in the workshop for the creation of his agenda 2020 taking place in the gallery K18. It was a pleasant moment and I'm really happy with the result. I hope one day to be able to do this kind of experience again. It made me want to take sewing lessons again. Thursday night we had a great and rewarding time during the monthly Vegan dinner, my friend Max gave a presentation about anti-speciesism connected with Mary Shelley's work: Frankenstein. As usual, the meal was excellent. Friday was the end of the year party and it was an excellent finale for 2019. I don't know what else to say. I spent a few days in France and now I'm just back in Slovenia and I really missed the Slovenian sky, I really appreciate this bubble in Maribor.


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